Each year starting in March and going into April, Dollywood stages its month-long celebration of world music, food, culture and entertainment known as Festival of Nations.
Reminding us that around the world, “we all smile in the same language,” Dollywood seeks out and hosts top talent acts from different countries in a lavish smorgasbord of color and imagination.
UPDATE 2024: Dollywood is currently not holding this festival.

image courtesy of Festival of Nations
Costume is everywhere, and everywhere different. Performers on huge, bendy stilts walk the streets of the theme park, swaying down to engage with visitors. Music beats from the various stages. The smells of exotic foods are in the air. Right here in the depths of Appalachian history, all the world has come to visit.
And the entertainers aim to get your attention. Heart-pounding, spellbinding, gripping feats of dance, acrobatics, drums, unimaginable voices and rhythms, all combined in perfect theatrical precision, compete with the visual feast all around of costumes made from all the colors of the world.
If you’re in the area either side of Easter time, as spring time starts to wake the place up and the first stirrings of growth and excitement begin, make sure to catch some of the acts performing at Festival of Nations. That was the point we wanted to make, in case you didn’t guess!
Read our blog write-ups of recent Festivals here and here. And here’s the Dollywood Festival of Nations page.