September 15-17, 2022, means a 3-day party in Pigeon Forge as the town fills up with pure automobile muscle and classic cars, with chrome and fins and gorgeous paint jobs, all cruising the strip and on display at the car show.
The LeConte Center hosts the show as always, and Parkway host the countless vehicles driving around, parked in lots with the hood up for admirers to inspect, and just generally gleaming. It’s a fun time even if you’re not a gearhead. The town gets a little crowded, traffic can be, uh, snarly – but it’s a friendly event, as with everything in Pigeon Forge, and you just have to let your jaw drop at some of the cars you’ll see.
You’ll see them everywhere in town during the Rod Run, but the LeConte Center shows some of the finest between 9 am and 6 pm on Thursday and Friday, closing at 5 pm on Saturday, when the awards will be presented. There’s $10,000 in cash giveaways this year as always, and multiple categories to be a star.
This year there’s a meet and greet with stars from the TV series, “Happy Days”, and of course the massive swap meet, with vendors providing accessories, apparel and memorabilia. Plenty of food is available, and there’s free parking and shuttle from the Center’s massive parking lots.
For more information, see our feature page on the Spring & Fall Rod Runs and check the Rod Run website.

TIP: here’s how to find an affordable Gatlinburg cabin, and see all of our cabins in the Smoky Mountains, including our Pigeon Forge cabins and our Wears Valley cabins.